The Checklists are completely free and can be downloaded by clicking on the pictures or links below. You can quickly resolve the following issues: ![]() Checklist for 'How You Can Boost Your Pet's Mood' ![]() Checklist for 'Less Stressful Veterinary Visits' ![]() Checklist for 'How To Get Your Cat To Stop Peeing Outside The Litter Box' What An Animal Owner Had To Say About The ChecklistsSo, so informative. I love it - Gale SiboleChecklist - Has Your Animal Companion Changed Their Mood?Has your dog or cat changed their mood? It is obviously a frustrating situation when it happens. In this checklist you get effective tips on how you can help your animal companion. Download the Checklist here: Link Checklist - Tips For Less Stressful Vet Visits!Does your dog or cat hate going to the Vet's Office? Many cats and dogs get frightened and stressed. That cannot happen! Therefore, I have put together a free Checklist, "6 Tips For Less Stressful Vet Visits!" for you. Download the Checklist here: Link Checklist - How To Stop Your Cat From Peeing Outside The Litter Box?Do you have a cat that is peeing outside the litter box? It is obviously a very frustrating situation. Some cat parents even consider giving up their cat! That cannot happen! Therefore, I have identified 6 proven action steps to solve the problem! Download the Checklist here: Link
Animal Communication Expert Sara Nilsson Shares Her Best Tips For Less Stressful Vet Visits!3/18/2022 Does Your Animal Companion Hate Going To The Vet's Office? Many cats and dogs get frightened and stressed. That can not happen! Therefore, I have put together a free Checklist, "6 Tips For Less Stressful Vet Visits!" for you. Download the Checklist here: 3 Big Mistakes Pet Owners Make...The Animal Soul Reader Reveals How To Steer Clear Of Them!1/14/2022 Communication mistakes are very frustrating, for your animal companion and for you. It can lead to behavioral problems and make you feel despair! So, how can you communicate more successfully with your animal companion? Use the steps below to start your friction-free communication now! ✅ 3 Big Mistakes Pet Owners Make!1. Avoid saying "not" to your animal companion. For example "do not be afraid when I leave the house". The reason is that your animal companion usually does not hear the word "not" 👂 In the example "do not be afraid when I leave the house", you can say "you are completely safe when I leave the house" 2. The greatest challenge pet owners face when it comes to animal communication is trusting themselves. Maybe you are better at intuition than you may think? Maybe you have thought that it is time to take your dog for a walk only to discover that your dog is sitting at the front door waiting for you? Avoid telling yourself it was just a coincidence and believe in yourself! 🙌 3. When you consciously or unconsciously talk about how your animal companion should be or act. Then you act on the basis of your desires or perceptions about your animal companion and not about them. If you instead open up to that your animal companion may have completely different needs and desires and find out what those are regardless of how they affect you. Then you have a relationship based on unconditional love! ❤️ Do You Want To Get In Touch With Me?If you want to get in touch with me, simply send an email to [email protected]!
We all wish we could have had more time together with our animal companions. One in two dogs get cancer. Why is this so and can something be done about it? 💡 In this blog post, I share an action step that can not only save the life of your dog or cat but also prolong their life by maybe x2! What, double? Yep! 🌞 Continue reading, you do not want to miss this! Curious About The Well-being Of Your Animal? Do you want to know if he or she feels any pain in their body or what animal protein sources are the healthiest according to your animal companion?It is possible to find out! Click the "I want to book" button right away to learn more about booking a long distance animal communication session with your animal companion: What Is The Key To Long Life? What Does The Research Results Show?The Long Living Pets' study is the longest study ever conducted. 7000 animals participated. The picture shows data after 16 years into the project, which runs until 2030. The blue bars show how many extra years that the Grand Dane in this case got as a result from eating unprocessed raw dog food. The age of the animal almost doubled when the dog owner changed to a raw dog food diet! Wow! From 8,5 years to about 13 years. They also saw reduced cancer in the dogs.
Review what you put in your dog's and cat's food bowls. It can prolong their lives! Do you have a cat or know someone with a cat that is peeing outside the litter box? It is obviously a very frustrating situation. Some cat parents even consider giving up their cat! That cannot happen! Therefore, I have identified 6 proven action steps to solve the problem!
How To Solve The Urinary Problem?Download this free 👉 Checklist. It (almost) does the work for you! It contains 6 proven action steps. I have listed 3 of them below:
1. Oftentimes, your cat wants attention. Try to activate your cat more. You can, for instance buy a new activation toy. Search for "Da-Bird" online. It usually becomes their favorite toy 2. Where the cat litter box is located is of great importance. Make sure it is a quiet space and that your cat has more than one box to choose from. Clean the litter box often. A new type of cat litter or brand can hugely affect your cat's life 3. Any recent changes at home or among your family members? Explain to your cat what happened and how the situation will look like in the future. Make it a habit to communicate with your animal companion Hope you are having a great day! I am writing this blog post to tell you about this absolutely fantastic website, that I simply cannot live without!! Are you curious about what makes it so amazing? Well, it makes me better at Animal Communication, happier and more present with my family members 😍
Many of us unintentionally take our "luggage" from today's demanding work day or other stressful situations that we encounter, home with us to our animals. Within seconds of stepping through the front door, our animal companions read our thoughts and emotions, and absorb them! To avoid exposing your animals to your "luggage", this website is incredible! Here you can unwind while listening to the sounds of different forests from around the world. You can for example listen to forests in Madagascar, Alaska and India! Absolutely beautiful if you ask me! But don't take my word for it...check it out yourself here! P.S. Our services evoke the same feeling of inner peace as a pleasant nature experience 🌳 Read more about what we offer here: D.S. How many times have you said to your animal companion, “I’m going to just sit here. I’m going to breathe and be open to your messages.”? 🐱🐶🐴🐰 Probably not very often? Get into the habit of doing that once a day, even once a week. Your pet will go, “Wow, my mom/dad really wants to listen to me"
You may have experienced "I better take doggie for a walk" and find they’re sitting at the front door waiting? 🚪🐶
Or maybe you get a sense when your cat is looking at you only to discover they are 👀🐱 Listening to your intuition and paying attention, is a great way to flex your intuitive muscle! Pet owners who contact me, often feel frustrated that they have difficulty sharing important information in a way that their animal companions understand. Maybe you have the same problem? I have a simple solution! 🔥 Are There Any Benefits?Absolutely! When you make this simple yet priceless technique a daily routine, you can experience: ![]() That your animal companion appreciates you for making an effort to speak their language! ![]() That your animal companion has an easier time understanding what you want him/her to know! ![]() That you also become more receptive to receiving information from your animal companion! Sure Sounds Good! How Do I Get Started?![]() Get clear about what you want to tell them. Get their attention so they are listening to you. ![]() While you talk it through out loud, see it happening like you are shooting your own movie. Be sure to feel the feelings that you want them to feel while you tell the story, so they know if it’s a positive story or negative message of warning. ![]() Thank your animal companion and the universe for any piece of information you received. This will open your heart and lead to more. Note! They may do exactly what you told them, or they may not, depending on whether they agree with you or not, or they may be confused if you haven’t been clear enough. Practice makes perfect! Do you want to stop feeling worry, stress or frustration because you do not understand your animal companion's needs or wants?Click the "Book Now" button to book an Animal Communication session with your animal companion: Is your pet alone for many hours every day?
Maybe it is time to get a furry friend? Or hire a dog walker/pet sitter? Make sure the person you choose is trained and professional. For more tips on How To Boost Your Pet's Mood go here: Want to improve your relationship with your animal companion? I offer 💛 ANIMAL GROUP HEALING 💛 March 12 for only $29 (USD). Only a few seats left! Here is what Rosita, Jane and Pernilla had to say after the healing:
The Animal Soul Reader was given the ok to share this
Have you redecorated your home, renovated or moved recently? Adaptil or Feliway can help many animals adapt to new circumstances. Adaptil helps calm and comfort dogs. It builds confidence and sends a message of security to help your dog adjust to new or challenging situations in their everyday life. Feliway is a product that works on cats' brains to calm them down and help relieve stress and anxiety. For more tips on How To Boost Your Pet's Mood go here:
Please be sure to tap on your hood before you start your vehicle as the cold weather hits us. Our furry friends climb up under the hood or tires to stay warm. Please look out for them 🐾
In this short video I share tips for reducing your dog’s loneliness 🐾🐶 Elisabeth came up with the clever idea of making an activation toy for her cat out of a leftover pizza box 🐾 Thanks for the tip Elisabeth! An activation toy made out of a leftover pizza box
Is your pet eating properly? support for breaking down and metabolizing complex carbohydrates and cereal grains. These difficult-to-digest fibers and grains remain undigested, with the body relying mainly on fermentation to break them down. The tip is from "How to boost you pet's mood" and is available for free here:
The answer is YES! Ulrika Bengtsson contacted me when she did not know what to do about her two dogs, Cosmo and Pepper. Cosmo had big problems with his stomach and Pepper was very afraid of almost everything in life. Here is what Ulrika had to say about two weeks after my distant communication with Pepper and Cosmo: "A thousands thanks to the very best Sara 😃❤❤❤ I am so incredibly happy that I found you so I can help my beloved dogs 😊💖 This is the best thing I have ever done. It is a great gift you have. Finally I know what my darlings feel and think 😄💞 Worth every penny. It feels much better with both Cosmo and Pepper. Cosmos' stomach works really well now. Pepper has started with Agility training, and he is very good at it. He can handle that there are several dogs attending. Pepper seems to be much more confident. Again, a thousand thanks, it has been a real WOW experience 😄" The Animal Soul Reader was given the ok to share this Animal Communication with Pepper and Cosmo
The tip is from "How to boost you pet's mood" and is available for free here:
We all need someone who listens to our needs...also our senior pets. In this short video you get practical tips on how to support your senior pet.
Sara Nilsson
Animal Communication Expert Archives
November 2022