Today comes a ‘Pick-A-Card’ from me to you. It applies to the first week of February ❤ ✨ Take a deep breath in and choose ONE of the animals that speaks to you! ✨ Scroll down to read the message ❤🙏 Click the + button and read the message from the animal you picked: 1) whale
You see opportunities and feel more joy than you have in a very long time. You are opening up to something new and inspiring, that will change your mindset and how you see the world. Take time for yourself and don't listen so much to the people around you. Try to turn off the news/radio/Social Media and just stay in your own "bubble"
2) leopard
It's time to take action. Check the opportunities you have in front of you and choose to take action from a place of joy. Try not to push yourself forward. Come from a place of inspiration that carries you forward
3) sea lion
You feel like renewing yourself and start new routines (maybe start exercising, an online course, making healthy juices, fasting, winter swimming, meditation). Choose an activity that fills you with joy and an activity plan that lasts. Maybe you choose to winter bathe one week, make healthy juices another and meditate a third week
Sara Nilsson
Animal Communication Expert Archives
November 2022