Your animal companions know what you think, feel and even what you prefer to avoid! That is why playing this game is so easy - because your animal companions already tune into your thoughts, feelings and energy on a daily basis! Telepathic Game In 3 Easy Steps!Today, I thought it would be fun to play a simple telepathic game! Here is how to do it: ![]() Sit down in a quiet room together with your animal companion ![]() Think of something that makes you really, really happy ![]() When you start to feel the feeling, try to amplify it and see if you notice any reaction in your animal companion? Is he/she moving closer? Does your animal companion want to play? Is he/she also getting happy? Try playing the game when you think of something that makes you calm and completely relaxed, and see if you notice any reaction in your animal companion. Do you want to stop feeling anxious, stressed or frustrated because you do not understand what your animal companion needs?Click the "Book Now" button and book a remote Animal Communication session for your animal companion:
A testimonial about my work: Do you want to stop feeling worry, stress or frustration because you do not understand your animal companion's needs or wants?👉 Book a remote Animal Communication session for your animal companion here:
The Checklists are completely free and can be downloaded by clicking on the pictures or links below. You can quickly resolve the following issues: ![]() Checklist for 'How You Can Boost Your Pet's Mood' ![]() Checklist for 'Less Stressful Veterinary Visits' ![]() Checklist for 'How To Get Your Cat To Stop Peeing Outside The Litter Box' What An Animal Owner Had To Say About The ChecklistsSo, so informative. I love it - Gale SiboleChecklist - Has Your Animal Companion Changed Their Mood?Has your dog or cat changed their mood? It is obviously a frustrating situation when it happens. In this checklist you get effective tips on how you can help your animal companion. Download the Checklist here: Link Checklist - Tips For Less Stressful Vet Visits!Does your dog or cat hate going to the Vet's Office? Many cats and dogs get frightened and stressed. That cannot happen! Therefore, I have put together a free Checklist, "6 Tips For Less Stressful Vet Visits!" for you. Download the Checklist here: Link Checklist - How To Stop Your Cat From Peeing Outside The Litter Box?Do you have a cat that is peeing outside the litter box? It is obviously a very frustrating situation. Some cat parents even consider giving up their cat! That cannot happen! Therefore, I have identified 6 proven action steps to solve the problem! Download the Checklist here: Link
I have compiled a few questions and answers that I have received recently. Do you have questions for me? Feel free to send an email to [email protected] and I will get back to you! The Photo![]() Should the photo of my pet be taken from in front? Should it show the whole animal? Should it be new? ![]() Both eyes should be visible in the photo. It does not have to show the whole animal. Preferably taken in the last year. The Connection![]() Do you read the animal's picture when you communicate telepathically with animals? ![]() No, the picture is just the springboard to contact the dog or cat in the picture. My Questions![]() Should the questions be directed to my animal companion? ![]() Yes, but if the questions are not, I will rewrite them. The Communication![]() I will book an appointment with you and wonder if I will get the communication in writing? ![]() Yes, I will write down everything and send it to you in an email. The Day Of The Appointment![]() Does my dog have to be with me when you communicate with him? ![]() Your dog does not have to be with you during the animal communication session. 3 Big Mistakes Pet Owners Make...The Animal Soul Reader Reveals How To Steer Clear Of Them!1/14/2022 Communication mistakes are very frustrating, for your animal companion and for you. It can lead to behavioral problems and make you feel despair! So, how can you communicate more successfully with your animal companion? Use the steps below to start your friction-free communication now! ✅ 3 Big Mistakes Pet Owners Make!1. Avoid saying "not" to your animal companion. For example "do not be afraid when I leave the house". The reason is that your animal companion usually does not hear the word "not" 👂 In the example "do not be afraid when I leave the house", you can say "you are completely safe when I leave the house" 2. The greatest challenge pet owners face when it comes to animal communication is trusting themselves. Maybe you are better at intuition than you may think? Maybe you have thought that it is time to take your dog for a walk only to discover that your dog is sitting at the front door waiting for you? Avoid telling yourself it was just a coincidence and believe in yourself! 🙌 3. When you consciously or unconsciously talk about how your animal companion should be or act. Then you act on the basis of your desires or perceptions about your animal companion and not about them. If you instead open up to that your animal companion may have completely different needs and desires and find out what those are regardless of how they affect you. Then you have a relationship based on unconditional love! ❤️ Do You Want To Get In Touch With Me?If you want to get in touch with me, simply send an email to [email protected]!
This is Embla. She used to be a street dog in Romania. Charlotte knew the time on the streets had affected her deeply, but she didn't know why Embla was insecure, stressed and unable to relax. Charlotte wanted nothing more than for her to feel relaxed and happy...and then I worked with Embla. Here's what we did: ![]() I asked Embla what happened to her as a street dog ![]() I helped Embla release what was behind her insecurity and stress ![]() I told Embla's family her wishes You wont believe what happened!Charlotte sent me this message: Thank you Sara for your communication with Embla ....❤️ my tears flow like waterfalls because it is so accurate ... you are a wonderful human being ❤️ Now Embla is so relaxed. Thanks again. Now I know how to train her ❤️ - Charlotte Järvistö Do you want to stop feeling worry, stress or frustration because you do not understand your animal companion's needs or wants?Click the "More info here" button: The Animal Soul Reader was given the ok to share this
5 Things You Didn't Know about The Animal Soul Reader's Animal Communicator Sara Nilsson...8/6/2021 Today, I will be sharing 5 things not many people know about me. The third bullet point will blow your mind! 1. I have swum with wild dolphins. In 2016, I followed an inner longing and flew by myself to the Azores. It was a magical trip. Every morning, I went out with a boat to communicate and spend time with wild dolphins in the ocean. This picture was taken during one of my dolphin encounters. 2. My first animal companion was a yellow parakeet. He liked to sit on my left arm or on top of my head. He meant a lot to me. 3. A few years ago, I communicated between a woman and her sister. The sister had not said a single word in her life due to a brain injury. Among other things, the woman wanted to know if her sister had any wishes that she wanted her help to fulfill. I don't think I have ever shed so many tears during a session. 4. I can move my consciousness from my body and into an animal. It makes a huge difference when I am communicating with animals, because then I can feel how the animals are experiencing things from their perspective. Hear how some customers experienced this. 5. I am a certified Soulful Transformation Therapist for people. In the past, I have worked with changing energy blocks that prevent people from achieving their goals in life. Nowadays, I focus wholeheartedly on helping pet owners solve frustrating animal behavior problems. Did you know that we are on Facebook?Feel free to follow us here, so you don't miss out on contests, events, inspiring animal quotes etc.
Hope you are having a great day! I am writing this blog post to tell you about this absolutely fantastic website, that I simply cannot live without!! Are you curious about what makes it so amazing? Well, it makes me better at Animal Communication, happier and more present with my family members 😍
Many of us unintentionally take our "luggage" from today's demanding work day or other stressful situations that we encounter, home with us to our animals. Within seconds of stepping through the front door, our animal companions read our thoughts and emotions, and absorb them! To avoid exposing your animals to your "luggage", this website is incredible! Here you can unwind while listening to the sounds of different forests from around the world. You can for example listen to forests in Madagascar, Alaska and India! Absolutely beautiful if you ask me! But don't take my word for it...check it out yourself here! P.S. Our services evoke the same feeling of inner peace as a pleasant nature experience 🌳 Read more about what we offer here: D.S. Behind The Scenes - Hear Animal Communicator Sara Nilsson talk about 3 interesting cat assignments!5/1/2021 Are you curious about what a work day may look like for me as an Animal Communicator?I hope so, because today I will be taking you behind the scenes, sharing 3 interesting cat communications I had recently. Maybe you have a hard time understanding what your animal companion wants or needs? I have a solution! Join me behind the scenes!1. The first communication of the day was with a cat that poops outside the litter box. The owners felt helpless and stressed because they had tried almost every solution listed on the internet to stop her from pooping on the floor. The cat explained that she pooped outside the litter box because she wanted to make the owners aware of that she did not feel as important as the other cat who also lives with them 🏠 She said that she among other things needed more attention and play. The owners have now made sure that she will never again feel less important and they are now able to relax because they understand her better! 2. After that, I communicated with a cat who for various reasons had moved to a new home. The owner felt unsure if she could let go of the cat. She wanted to know if the cat felt that she had abandoned her, how she was feeling, if she needed anything, if she was happy or if there was another home that was more suitable for her. The cat said that she was comfortable in her new home, that she got along well with her new feline friend 🐱 and that she wanted to stay. She also said that she did not feel abandoned. She appreciated the owner for everything she had done. 3. The last communication of the day, was with a cat who was very afraid. The owner felt sad that her cat did not want to cuddle and that he did not like trimming his claws or being brushed. The cat explained that he had experienced a trauma that made him feel afraid, insecure and nervous. That was also the reason why he did not want to cuddle and hated to have his claws cut and being brushed. I helped him release the trauma during the communication session. I want to thank all animals and owners for your trust in me! 🙏 💕 Do you want to stop feeling worry, stress and frustration because you do not understand your animal companion's needs or wants?Click the "Book Now" button to book an Animal Communication session with your pet: What can The Animal Soul Reader help you with? Below, I have listed 10 surprising reasons to hire The Animal Soul Reader for an Animal Communicator consultation: ![]() I help you solve unwanted behavioral problems, fears and separation anxiety 🙉 ![]() You can find out health problems at an early stage 🌞 ![]() If you want to, you can get help with preparing your animal companion for a medical treatment 🚑 ![]() You get an understanding of what your animal companion wants and needs ❤️ ![]() I prepare your animal companion for new circumstances such as a move, a new family member or a new pet 🏠 ![]() I can contact your animal companion on The Other Side, so that you get answers to your questions 🌈 ![]() I can tell your animal companion that you are going on a holiday AND that you will return 🏖 ![]() I will help you understand your adopted animal companion's past, so you can start a new life together 🌟 ![]() If your animal companion carries trauma or a difficult memory, I will help him/her to let that go 🆓 ![]() I help you to find out how you best can support your animal companion in the final stages of life 💝 What Johanna Ågren had to say about her experience with The Animal Soul Reader!You may have experienced "I better take doggie for a walk" and find they’re sitting at the front door waiting? 🚪🐶
Or maybe you get a sense when your cat is looking at you only to discover they are 👀🐱 Listening to your intuition and paying attention, is a great way to flex your intuitive muscle! This afternoon, I will communicate with two dogs in Malmö 🐶🐶 Home visits are always fun 😍 The owners want to know: ![]() How they can help one of their dogs to relax during dog meetings, what is he experiencing? ![]() If they want more out of life and what that might look like? ![]() Where exactly in the leg, does one of their dogs experience pain? I learned that the post about a work week was very interesting. So today, I thought I would share what I was up to last Monday...
The first distant animal communication session was with a dog 🐶 who runs away when he spots a white van. He is adopted from Ireland 🇮🇪 and told me, that it was a white car that "rescued" him. The incident made him feel powerless and afraid, because no one asked him what he thought about it. Actually, he was happy with his life 😥 The incident has left him afraid of white cars, because they can destroy everything in his present life. I helped him release the trauma. After that, I communicated with a cat 🐱 with kidney problems. The owners wanted to know, if they can do something more for him and what he feels about his new food 🍴 The last distant animal communication of the day, was with a worried cat 🐱 who feels his parents' concern about how everything will turn out. They will retire soon and plan to live abroad during the winter months. The cat told me, that he gets stressed by the idea of not having a permanent home. It is very important, to try our best not to get anxious about how something concerning our animal companions will turn out, because many animals feel our emotions. I want to thank all of you (animals and owners) for your trust in me 🙏♥ In July, I appeared in Swedish weekly magazine Hemmets Journal, where I talked about my career and work as an animal communication expert. I was so surprised that I made the cover (small picture on the right) 😲 (Hemmets Journal has a readership of over 358,000 people). "Sara has a unique gift: I can communicate with animals"
Is Smulan happy? Why is she afraid? Does she want a feline friend? Very soon, Smulan's owner will know the answers. I am in my car right now 🚘 on my way to Oxie. I look forward to meeting Smulan and her owner 🐱 Smulan's owner wrote me this message after the home visit, about her transformation: Hello Sara! Many greetings from Smulan and her owner. Smulan has improved and is no longer afraid. She wants to cuddle and is social. She comes when we call her and wants us to pet her all the time. I also get to brush Smulan's teeth every day and she behaved very well at the vet and wasn't afraid. So thank you so much for the Animal Communication session. Even my skeptical husband must admit that you are good at what you do. Many hugs from Smulan and her owner 😻😻😻 The Animal Soul Reader was given the ok to share this
I’ve been asked what a work week may look like for me, so I thought I'd share what I’ve been up to this week (I've also had a few days of vacation) 😊 This week started off with a home visit to a small town called Yngsjö, where I met and communicated with two beautiful horses (see below) 🐴🐴 The week continued with a distant animal communication session with a cat who is experiencing trauma when using his litter box 🐱 He told me, that he previously got stuck with one of his paws in the opening hatch. The owner had gotten him a covered cat litter tray with opening hatch. I have also communicated with a dog who experiences great separation anxiety 🐶 The dog explained that she needs more communication. Many of our animal companions want to know where we are going, how long we plan to be away for and why he or she cannot join us. Two other dogs were given the opportunity during distant animal communication sessions, to explain to their respective owners why they are unable to greet people and dogs politely 🐶🐶 One of the dogs experienced a trauma which I helped the dog to release. A very moving communication with a dog on the other side ended my work week 😇🐶 I want to thank all of you (animals and owners) for your trust in me 🙏 I met and communicated with these two amazing Souls in Yngsjö. Their owner wanted me to ask them:
💛 How they are feeling 💛 If they are experiencing any pain or other problems 💛 Tell them that she will never sell or abandon them The Animal Soul Reader was given the ok to share this Did you know that distant Animal Communication with your animal companion simply by looking at their photo is just as effective as meeting them in-person at your home? The Animals Soul Reader was given permission to share the image by the owner
Trying to find a great gift for someone can be somewhat stressful, and you might feel like throwing in the towel. No need to get discouraged, I have the best gift ever that will be sure to please that special someone... ![]() to communicate with a cat. I love my job! I offer home visits in the south of Sweden. Send me an email if you are interested to know more: [email protected] We all need someone who listens to our needs...also our senior pets. In this short video you get practical tips on how to support your senior pet. |
Sara Nilsson
Animal Communication Expert Archives
November 2022