This picture is from when I communicated with Tulla and her foal Fiona. Margareta felt that Tulla probably would like to have a baby of her own and we talked about it, Tulla and I in March 2016. It is so wonderful to have been part of this whole journey, from when Tulla shared her wish with Margareta until she got pregnant and now when I met her awaited baby. I love it when animal owners listen to their animal's needs and do everything in their power to have them experience what they are longing for. Below you can read what Margareta had to say after my first communication with Tulla. I have owned Tulla for about one year. Sara communicated with her during a visit. It was funny and cool to hear Sara tell me about Tulla's thoughts. Tulla described herself as modest and I have also recognized that side of her myself. It takes a while to get into her sphere and gain her confidence. Tulla also shared that she needs confirmation and encouragement sometimes and now that it came to my attention that she likes it, I will continue to give her that to build her self-confidence. - Margareta Tamas The Animal Soul Reader was given the okay by Margareta to share this
Sara Nilsson
Animal Communication Expert Archives
November 2022