I'm on my way to a town called "Beddingestrand" to communicate with a budgie. I love my job 😍 The owners want to know:
🐦 How he is feeling (he has been to the vet many times) 🐦 Does he like his new food? 🐦 Anything he wants them to know about?
Last year I was hired by Katerina Zvonarić who has been following the two famous lovebirds, Klepetan and Malena on Social Media for years. She wanted me to contact Klepetan to hear if he was still alive, what happened and if he needed help.
Klepetan told me that he injured a wing when he misjudged the distance to a road sign, and that he because of the injury had to take frequent breaks, that made him late on his way home to Croatia. Katerina wrote, "You were spot on. Yesterday, 12th April 2017, Klepetan arrived 21 days later than his usual arrival date and with a hurt wing" On Thursday (29th March), Klepetan arrived without any complications to Croatia and his beloved partner Malena of 16 years 💗 |
Sara Nilsson
Animal Communication Expert Archives
November 2022