What does a cat in her golden years want and need? Animal Communicator Sara Nilsson finds out!10/21/2022 This is Tia. She is around 19 years old. Her owner did not know how to best support Tia in her golden years. It made her feel worried and stressed. She wanted nothing more than the best for Tia…and then I worked with her. Here is what we did:![]() I asked Tia what her body needs and if there is better food her cat mom can get for her body ![]() I also asked Tia how she feels about their spiritual bond and when the time comes how to best serve and assist her with her transition ![]() I told Tia’s owner her wishes You won’t believe what happened after the Animal Communication session!Tia’s cat mom sent me this message: Hi Sara, Do you want to stop feeling worry, stress or frustration because you do not understand your animal companion's needs or wants?Click the "More info here" button: The Animal Soul Reader was given the ok to share this
Do you have a cat or know someone with a cat that is peeing outside the litter box? It is obviously a very frustrating situation. Some cat parents even consider giving up their cat! That cannot happen! Therefore, I have identified 6 proven action steps to solve the problem!
How To Solve The Urinary Problem?Download this free 👉 Checklist. It (almost) does the work for you! It contains 6 proven action steps. I have listed 3 of them below:
1. Oftentimes, your cat wants attention. Try to activate your cat more. You can, for instance buy a new activation toy. Search for "Da-Bird" online. It usually becomes their favorite toy 2. Where the cat litter box is located is of great importance. Make sure it is a quiet space and that your cat has more than one box to choose from. Clean the litter box often. A new type of cat litter or brand can hugely affect your cat's life 3. Any recent changes at home or among your family members? Explain to your cat what happened and how the situation will look like in the future. Make it a habit to communicate with your animal companion This is Mioshk together with Serafina. When Mioshk was adopted by the family she was already pregnant. Serafina and her mother Emma were at their wits end 😱 because they love Mioshk very much, but didn't know what to do...and then I worked with Mioshk. Here's what we did: ![]() I asked Mioshk how her new family could give her the care and support she needed? If there was something she wanted them to consider when it was time to give birth and afterwards? ![]() I helped Mioshk understand the family's feelings and that they were happy about her having kittens, after all You won't believe what happened ... after Mioshk had given birth, I received this email from Emma: Mioshk sought for us when it was time and wanted us to be there throughout the birth - I certainly did not expect that because everyone told me that their cats had hidden somewhere, given birth and then maximum come to tell them it is done. So, it felt like such a blessing that she wanted us to support her and she kept making eye contact with me. Afterwards I realized that she really feels like a family member. The border between animal and human is no longer as definitive and all of us are here to support each other. I believe the reason for her great trust in us was because I communicated with her via you in advance. It feels so wonderful. I felt a sensation of calm spread throughout her body after the Animal Communication session - Emma Fogelholm, Finland Are you curious about booking a long-distance Animal Communicator consultation with your pet?Click this link for more information👇👇👇 https://www.animalsoulreader.com/booking1.html The Animal Soul Reader was given the ok to share this
Behind The Scenes - Hear Animal Communicator Sara Nilsson talk about 3 interesting cat assignments!5/1/2021 Are you curious about what a work day may look like for me as an Animal Communicator?I hope so, because today I will be taking you behind the scenes, sharing 3 interesting cat communications I had recently. Maybe you have a hard time understanding what your animal companion wants or needs? I have a solution! Join me behind the scenes!1. The first communication of the day was with a cat that poops outside the litter box. The owners felt helpless and stressed because they had tried almost every solution listed on the internet to stop her from pooping on the floor. The cat explained that she pooped outside the litter box because she wanted to make the owners aware of that she did not feel as important as the other cat who also lives with them 🏠 She said that she among other things needed more attention and play. The owners have now made sure that she will never again feel less important and they are now able to relax because they understand her better! 2. After that, I communicated with a cat who for various reasons had moved to a new home. The owner felt unsure if she could let go of the cat. She wanted to know if the cat felt that she had abandoned her, how she was feeling, if she needed anything, if she was happy or if there was another home that was more suitable for her. The cat said that she was comfortable in her new home, that she got along well with her new feline friend 🐱 and that she wanted to stay. She also said that she did not feel abandoned. She appreciated the owner for everything she had done. 3. The last communication of the day, was with a cat who was very afraid. The owner felt sad that her cat did not want to cuddle and that he did not like trimming his claws or being brushed. The cat explained that he had experienced a trauma that made him feel afraid, insecure and nervous. That was also the reason why he did not want to cuddle and hated to have his claws cut and being brushed. I helped him release the trauma during the communication session. I want to thank all animals and owners for your trust in me! 🙏 💕 Do you want to stop feeling worry, stress and frustration because you do not understand your animal companion's needs or wants?This is Blondie, a male cat (despite his name) who was constantly involved in brutal cat fights. After the last fight, he had over 5 bites, was scratched all over his body and needed surgery! 😱 This was both worrying and frustrating for cat mom Yvonne… and then I worked with Blondie. Here's what we did: ![]() I asked Blondie how he can avoid getting into cat fights and getting hurt ![]() I helped him release the emotions behind his "fixation" to constantly challenge the neighborhood cats' territory You won't believe what happened after my Animal Communication session with Blondie! After a few weeks, Yvonne sent me this email: Hello Sara, Best Regards from Yvonne Bjerregaard and Blondie The Animal Soul Reader was given the okay to share this. Want to know more about booking an Animal Communication session?Click this button:
When Ylva contacted me, she had just put her beloved friend Läkerol ❤️🐱 to sleep. She experienced that the grief after him was very difficult and felt that it would be comforting to know how he was doing. Here is the message I received from Ylva after my communication with her beloved cat: I'm so glad I contacted you. Reading what Läkerol had to tell me, made me happy and of course also sad, but that is completely natural. Läkerol was probably the kindest cat I have ever met. He made me laugh almost every day. A big thank you to you for helping me through my grief - Ylva Söderberg The Animal Soul Reader was given the ok to share this Click on "More info here" to learn more about booking an Afterlife Animal Communication session:
Today, I will communicate remotely with a cat 🐱 who lives in Israel 🇮🇱 The owner wants to know, among other things, why her cat poops outside the litter box 🚽 and why she is so clingy?
In this picture, I am hanging out with our cat Aslan. Have a wonderful Friday ❤️ Look at this pussycat, she is so cute 🐱 When Curry's parents came to me she was very stressed and worried, and her parents were frustrated because they really love Curry but she was causing a lot of problems ... and then I worked with her. Here's what we did: ![]() I asked Curry what makes her stressed and what she wants her family to do for her ![]() I helped Curry release the emotions behind her worry and stress ![]() I I told Curry's family her wishes I got this message shortly after the animal communication session. Hello Sara. Thank you. It has been so rewarding and fun. I can tell Curry is happier, calmer and more satisfied now - Sara Söderlund The Animal Soul Reader was given the ok to share this
![]() How can I get my cat Svante to stop scratching everywhere? He destroys wallpaper, door frames, furniture, etc. ![]() What causes the diarrhea he has suffered a few times? I don't find it related to the food he eats. ![]() Can he and his "sister" Esther stop fighting? Is it play or more serious? That was what Vanja wanted me to help her with and here is the message I received from Vanja after my distant communication session with Svante: I would like to thank you again for helping Svante. He has almost completely stopped scratching in the wrong places and has not had any stomach problems since your communication with him. In addition, he gets along with his "sister" now 💕 - Vanja The Animal Soul Reader was given the ok to share this
Isn't Yoggie cute? When Emelie contacted me, he peed in the family's guest bed. Yoggie had a physical exam at the animal hospital but they didn’t find anything wrong. Yoggie was healthy. Emelie was desperate and didn’t want to give Yoggie up, because they all love him so much but it was a big problem for the family .... and then I worked with Yoggie. Here's what I did: ![]() I asked Yoggie why he was peeing in the family's guest bed ![]() I helped him release all the emotions that triggered the behavior After I communicated and worked with Yoggie (after only one animal communication session) he was completely transformed. He is the sweetest cat, more confident and no longer pees outside the litter box. Yoggie is not stressed and now Emily's family is overjoyed, because he is the world's best cat and Yoggie is happy because he feels safe in his home. Book your animal communication session here: www.animalsoulreader.com/book-an-animal-communication-session.html The Animal Soul Reaser was given the ok to share this
This afternoon, I will communicate with an adopted cat in Trelleborg 🐱 The owners want to know about her past, why she sometimes pees where she is not supposed to, if there is anything she is longing for and why she reacts to certain sounds 🎶 Home visits are always fun. The picture is from a previous home visit 🐱🏠
I learned that the post about a work week was very interesting. So today, I thought I would share what I was up to last Monday...
The first distant animal communication session was with a dog 🐶 who runs away when he spots a white van. He is adopted from Ireland 🇮🇪 and told me, that it was a white car that "rescued" him. The incident made him feel powerless and afraid, because no one asked him what he thought about it. Actually, he was happy with his life 😥 The incident has left him afraid of white cars, because they can destroy everything in his present life. I helped him release the trauma. After that, I communicated with a cat 🐱 with kidney problems. The owners wanted to know, if they can do something more for him and what he feels about his new food 🍴 The last distant animal communication of the day, was with a worried cat 🐱 who feels his parents' concern about how everything will turn out. They will retire soon and plan to live abroad during the winter months. The cat told me, that he gets stressed by the idea of not having a permanent home. It is very important, to try our best not to get anxious about how something concerning our animal companions will turn out, because many animals feel our emotions. I want to thank all of you (animals and owners) for your trust in me 🙏♥ What Johanna wanted most of all, was to find out why Våfflan 🐱 for a long time had lost hair on his belly and inside his back legs. Last fall, the family got a new cat, Frasse, after the family's second cat Plingen had fallen ill and had to be put down. Little Frasse wanted nothing more than to be friends with Våfflan...but Våfflan did NOT want that. He mostly hissed at poor Frasse. You won't believe what happened next... A couple of weeks after my distant animal communication session with Våfflan, Johanna sent me this message: The fur on Våfflan's belly and back legs has grown back! He has also been more affectionate and kinder to Frasse 😊 - Johanna Ågren
Is Smulan happy? Why is she afraid? Does she want a feline friend? Very soon, Smulan's owner will know the answers. I am in my car right now 🚘 on my way to Oxie. I look forward to meeting Smulan and her owner 🐱 Smulan's owner wrote me this message after the home visit, about her transformation: Hello Sara! Many greetings from Smulan and her owner. Smulan has improved and is no longer afraid. She wants to cuddle and is social. She comes when we call her and wants us to pet her all the time. I also get to brush Smulan's teeth every day and she behaved very well at the vet and wasn't afraid. So thank you so much for the Animal Communication session. Even my skeptical husband must admit that you are good at what you do. Many hugs from Smulan and her owner 😻😻😻 The Animal Soul Reader was given the ok to share this
I’ve been asked what a work week may look like for me, so I thought I'd share what I’ve been up to this week (I've also had a few days of vacation) 😊 This week started off with a home visit to a small town called Yngsjö, where I met and communicated with two beautiful horses (see below) 🐴🐴 The week continued with a distant animal communication session with a cat who is experiencing trauma when using his litter box 🐱 He told me, that he previously got stuck with one of his paws in the opening hatch. The owner had gotten him a covered cat litter tray with opening hatch. I have also communicated with a dog who experiences great separation anxiety 🐶 The dog explained that she needs more communication. Many of our animal companions want to know where we are going, how long we plan to be away for and why he or she cannot join us. Two other dogs were given the opportunity during distant animal communication sessions, to explain to their respective owners why they are unable to greet people and dogs politely 🐶🐶 One of the dogs experienced a trauma which I helped the dog to release. A very moving communication with a dog on the other side ended my work week 😇🐶 I want to thank all of you (animals and owners) for your trust in me 🙏 I met and communicated with these two amazing Souls in Yngsjö. Their owner wanted me to ask them:
💛 How they are feeling 💛 If they are experiencing any pain or other problems 💛 Tell them that she will never sell or abandon them The Animal Soul Reader was given the ok to share this Callie received Animal Group Healing on March 12 🐱 Here is what Maggie's owner had to say after the Healing (Callie used to spend her days alone in the bedroom closet):
"Sara, we have such appreciation for you! I have seen big improvements in our Callie since you did this healing. She is going out in the main house and hunting for her toys, she is playing with our other younger kitty, she only wakes me up once or twice at night to eat (it was 3 or 4 times), she is eating better during the day and gaining weight. She and I send you thanks and big hugs! Have a marvelous day, Maggie and Callie" - Maggie Nasso, The United States The Animal Soul Reader was given the ok to share this I appreciate returning customers! 😊 This time, Annsofie Andersson wanted to know what was wrong with Sigge and why she did not recognize his behavior 🐈 Here's what Annsofie had to say after my communication with Sigge: Thanks a million for your help. It is unbelievable to get answers and help when you see that there is something wrong with your animal companion. His loving way of helping me rejoices my heart. Thank you so much Sara. Hugs 💕😺 Sigge told me that the warm climate is very challenging for him and that he as a result becomes exhausted and depressed. Sigge explained that his body needs electrolytes found in cucumber. Sigge helps Annsofie by hugging her legs before bedtime, giving her swollen legs healing. The Animal Soul Reader was given the ok to share this Snickers hospitalized 2017 Today I want to share a story from my life that shows just how important and useful animal communication can be... Our cat Snickers quickly became very sick and vomited several times. The vet took lots of tests and x-rayed him without finding the root cause, except that something was wrong inside his abdomen. During surgery they discovered that his bladder was inflamed. The vet said that she had never seen such a red and inflamed bladder before. I communicated with Snickers via a photograph at home and asked what he wanted (I wanted to do what was best for him). “I want to fight. Everything will be fine! Don't worry about me, Snickers replied firmly. When I told the vet that we would fight this together and that this was his wish, she told me "I don't think you should be hopeful ...". Now, almost two years have passed and Snickers is completely healthy. It took him about four weeks to recover and he communicated clearly what he needed in the terms of treatment and alternative medications. Had I not been able to communicate with him, he would not be here with us today. Snickers today
How do I give my pregnant cat the care and support she needs? That's what Emma wanted to know and here's the message I received after her cat Mioshk had given birth:
"Mioshk sought for us when it was time and wanted us to be there throughout the birth - I certainly did not expect that because everyone told me that their cats had hidden somewhere, given birth and then maximum come to tell them it is done. So it felt like such a blessing that she wanted us to support her and she kept making eye contact with me. Afterwards I realized that she really feels like a family member. The border between animal and human is no longer as definitive and all of us are here to support each other. I believe the reason for her great trust in us was because I communicated with her via you in advance. It feels so wonderful. I felt a sensation of calm spread throughout her body after the Animal Communication session" - Emma Fogelholm, Finland The Animal Soul Reader was given the okay to share the above I communicated with a cat recently. She had one of her eyes removed when she was a kitten. The operation left her fearing people. Many of the animals I communicate with suffer from trauma or horrible memories that I help them release during an Animal Communication session.
Sara Nilsson
Animal Communication Expert Archives
November 2022